Sunday, November 26, 2006

My Turkey Day Plate

My Finished Plate
Originally uploaded by WadyPhoto.
Here's a shot of my finished Thanksgiving Day plate.
I ate a little bit of everything.
I just took a spoonfull of everything and ate a tiny bit.
Everything was delicious.
I ate slow and watched the sugars.
I was happy that I didn't get sick and was still able to eat.

Bruise From Nowhere

Bruise From ???
Originally uploaded by WadyPhoto.
Current Weight: Don't know...Thanksgiving...Break From Weighing.
Total Lost: About 97 lbs. still

Last Monday I noticed this bruise on the back of my leg.
It hurt pretty good.
See that white spot in the middle?
That's where it hurts to the gentle touch.
I don't know how I got this.

I went to the doctor on Tuesday because I got worried.
I thought it could be a blood clot.
They checked my blood and said eveything looked ok.
She said to watch it and see if it changes and grows.

See the red line around it?
I drew that on Tuesday.
It has grown a little and gotten darker.

Ever since Tuesday I have noticed my right knee hurting.
It has gotten progressively worse.
Today it is a little swollen and crunches when I bend it.
Not good.
And I swear I haven't done anything to hurt my leg or knee!
I wonder if the two things are related.
I think I just might have to go back to the doctor tomorrow.
What do you think?

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Running A Lap

Current Weight: 189.6 lbs.
Total Lost: 97.1 lbs.

So, today in photo class we went outside.
We were practicing taking action pictures.
I was looking at the track and thought to myself,
"I wonder if I could run a whole lap without stopping?"

So, one of my junior students Christina and I took off running.
I made it 3/4 of the way around and then pooped out.

Eighth hour I decided to try it again.
This time I ran the opposite way thinking it would be shorter.
It wasn't shorter.
AND...I made it this time!!!
I was so excited!

One day I hope I can run a little longer...maybe a marathon or something.
Hey..everyone needs goals.

Size 18 Jeans!

Size 18 Jeans!
Originally uploaded by WadyPhoto.
Current Weight: 189.6 lbs.
Total Lost: 97.1 lbs.

So I haven't done my laundry yet from my trip to Nashville.
I couldn't find any pants to wear this morning.
I looked at the size 18 jeans I bought a Goodwill a while ago.
I read that Rosie O'Donnell weighed 212 and wore a size 18.
I thought...hell, I'm less than that!
So, I put them on and look how they fit!
I was shocked and excited!
Tammy made me wear a shirt that I could tuck in.
I was a little self conscious about it at first.
I didn't want my roll to show.
I looked in the mirror and it looked ok!
Tammy just wanted to see my cute butt!
I totally need to go shopping again and get smaller clothes.

On another note...eating is the devil.
I hate food.
Maybe I'm just doing a bad job of eating.
I think I eat too fast because I get excited.
Then two seconds later the food looks gross and I get sick.
I am also doing bad on my sugar intake.
I need to watch this.
Every time I eat now I have to say to myself, "You hate eating."
Just to remind myself that I'm going to get sick if I don't eat right.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Nashville Here I Come

Current Weight: 191.2 lbs.
Total Lost: 95.5 lbs.

Well Cardio class is over.
It was a good run and I really enjoyed it.
I would like to keep going, but I think I'm going to continue at home.
I found a fitness channel on On Demand that has cardio workouts.
I also found 4 Tae-bo tapes in my basement.

Tomorrow I head to Nashville for the national journalism convention.
It should be fun...I'm not really into going this year for some reason.
Hopefully we'll do some walking down there on Thursday.
And maybe even a little bit of line dancing.