Monday, June 17, 2013

Hernia Surgery

Last Tuesday, June 11, I went in for hernia surgery.
I had it taken care of at Community Hospital in Munster by Dr. T. Dempsey.
I was checked in at 7 a.m. and I was in the car picking up prescriptions by 1 p.m.
The procedure went well.
The hernia was bigger than he expected.
I guess it was 8 cm and they had to use a bigger mesh to fix it.
I went to my mom's house for recovery which was a great idea since she doesn't have stairs.

A big shout out to my best friends Sarah and Dustin for letting Tristyn sleep over.
I hope she was good!!!!

Wednesday was hell.
I was in so much pain the entire day.
My stomach muscles kept contracting and squeezing together.
They would NOT relax and it killed.
That night we had a big storm roll through.
I went to the basement because I'm terrified of storms.
Tristyn was down there with me and not afraid one bit.
There was a huge clap of thunder and she jumped.
I jumped.
Tristyn kept saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
Because she thought when she jumped
She accidently hit my stomach.
Oh no...
The thunder scared me and my muscles contracted.
Getting back upstairs was another hellish moment.
It took me about 10 minutes to climb the stairs.

On Thursday I was finally moving around a little better.
Still very sore, but the muscles were better.
Taking a shower helped too.
They made the incision right where my previous incision was.
That way I won't have two scars.
So far it looks like it's healing pretty well.

I finally left my mom's house last night which was Sunday.
It was just time to get back home and back to my own bed.
I go back to the doctor tomorrow for a follow up.
Right now...less than a week later...I'm at school finishing up the yearbook.

I would love to thank my mom for taking such great care of me last week!
She was the best cook, picker upper, drug giver, and getter of things.
And a thank you to Auntie Adie for coming over on Thursday to play with Tristyn.
She had a blast at the library, Target and 2 parks!!!!
Kevin, Julie and Talia for coming to hang out on Friday night!
Thank you for the new faces to look at!!!!
And thanks to Tristyn for being so patient with me and helping me pick stuff up when I drop them!

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